The PennDOT Mentor Protege Program provides an avenue to connect experienced PennDOT primes with new DBEs to assist with building or expanding their experience in the industry, including assisting them to move into non-traditional areas of PennDOT projects.
Tips For Proteges. To ensure eligibility, proteges must be a certified DBE with the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program (PAUCP). There are specific areas of concentration that mentors will be looking for, including heavy highway construction and civil engineering disciplines for heavy highway projects. If your company is not seeking a focus in the heavy highway industry, the PennDOT Mentor-Protege Program may not be appropriate for your needs. It’s important for proteges to remember that your Mentor-Protege Program tier is not necessarily based on your experience. It’s based on your PennDOT ECMS status, which may change through the course of your participation in this program.
1. Primary Protege SignUp
Watch Primary Protege Signup Video | Complete the Protege Questionnaire
Watch the Secondary Protege User Video | Learn more | Add Multi Account
2. Visit Your Tier Room
Tiers are based on ECMS status
Watch Tier Room Video | MPP Room Reports
Tier 1 Room
Proteges not yet BPR
Watch Tier 1 Room Video | Consultant T1 | Contractors T1
Tier 2 Room
Proteges not actively Qualified or PreQualified
Watch Tier 2 Room Video | Consultant T2 | Contractors T2
Tier 3 Room
Proteges are ready to work and solicit a mentor
Watch Tier 3 Video | Visit Tier 3 Consultant Room | Visit Tier 3 Contractor Room
3. Pairing with a Mentor
Mentors will requests proteges for pairing on a project basis.
Visit My MPP Projects | Watch Pairing Request Video | Watch the Acceptance or Denial Video
Click to view either: Public Contractor Protege List | Public Consultant Protege List
4. Virtual MOU Signatures
Tier 4 Room
The mentor will sign and send a virtual MOU.
Protege signature will confirm move into Tier 4.
Watch Tier 4 Video | Watch MOU Video
Visit Tier 4 Consultant Room | Visit Tier 4 Contractor Room
5. Workplan Submission
Upon execution of the MOU the Mentor will contact you to discuss the development of your workplan. Your workplan will also include your anticipated start date.
Watch Workplan Submission Video
Consultant Development Plan | MPP Consultant Workplan Template
Contractor Development Plan | MPP Contractor Workplan Template
6. Project Feedback Surveys and
Project Closeout Survey
Proteges will be asked if they started work. If no, they will be asked every 30 days until the answer is “yes”. If yes, the Project Feedback Survey will begin and will be sent out every 60 days after. Once the Protege answers “Yes” to their scope of work being completed, they will be redirected to the Project Closeout Survey.
7. Protege Project Completion
Once the Protege completes the Project Closeout Survey they have completed a cycle through the MPP. They can now complete a short survey to reenter the MPP.